On July 22nd, 2022, my two friends, Kieran and Chiara from high school got married in a small town called Terracina in Italy. I remember RSVPing the day after I got my invitation back in September, 2021. I was thinking of backpacking and there was no better excuse than to attend my friend's wedding in between. I knew it would be an once in a lifetime opportunity for me, so I wasn't going to miss their wedding for the world.

You can see me in the bottom left corner, standing next to my Czech boy, Jan.

I'm in the back in this one as well, in front of Christopher.

Everyone's jaw dropped when we got to the reception.
Everyone's jaw dropped when we got to the reception.
The tapas were out of this world. I think I went up to waiters for food... Oops...
The tapas were out of this world. I think I went up to waiters for food... Oops...
Our Chiang Mai group was sad that we didn't get assigned to Decatur. As I'm writing this, I realize that these were all the cities the two have traveled to.
Our Chiang Mai group was sad that we didn't get assigned to Decatur. As I'm writing this, I realize that these were all the cities the two have traveled to.
Everyone's jaw dropped when we got to the reception. The tapas were out of this world. I think I went up to waiters for food... Oops...

Our Chiang Mai group was sad that we didn't get assigned to Decatur. As I'm writing this, I realize that these were all the cities the two have traveled to.
Look at Jan just shoving bubbles in Kieran's face. Boy even took a extra step down to do so.
I wish I remembered what I was saying that made me laugh that hard. I blame it on all the champagne during the "pre-dinner". That made me into a tanned boy with Asian glow laughing his butt off.
How'd Jan's face change so drastically? Maybe this guy is camera shy. My tan made me look darker than the people in the background even with the flash. My goodness.
My only sober moment during the wedding. Look how nice I look meeting Chiara's grandmother. I told her how I remembered her lemon tree in her backyard and the limoncello I got to try when I visited Latina back in 2019.
I haven't seen or talked to Devon in ages. It was so nice seeing her. I think it was exactly a decade since I've seen her in Decatur.
Enjoying too much of that groom's cocktail. Not going to lie, I liked Kieran's drink better. Kaleigh does not approve these goofballs. The three of us having the time of our lives.
Look at Massimo and Kieran go. The boy in the bottom right corner is crazy. He thinks he's at a club, not at a wedding reception. But Jacob and Kieran aren't that different either. I remember talking to the Italian guy with the tie strapped to his head after our pool "incident".
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